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Why Do We Test Software Products?

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Most Widely Used Analysis Models

There are several good reasons to subject software apps to testing:


  1. Provide programmers with information that can help them prevent errors.
  2. Provide managers with information they need to reasonably assess the risk when using the product.
  3. Build bug-free software.
  4. Create a testable project, which is the project that can be easily verified for compliance with its requirements specification, for distortion and which will be easily maintainable.
  5. Check the product for errors using both formulated and non-formulated requirements. This is also called “hacking software”.
  6. Check the product for conformity to its requirements (make sure of its effectiveness), namely prove that it works correctly.


The information necessary for the implementation of point 2 is determined by the degree to which the program operates as needed (namely, the number of subtests passed and not passed), and some frames within which the app cannot start behaving improperly. By this is meant that the limit to which the program cannot be hacked, and the degree to which it works correctly. The degree to which an app is considered error free is also the degree to which the product meets the requirements and does not crash. Thus, we have three main tasks: good design, hacking, conformity checking.


Testing services companies assist businesses of all sizes in verifying quality of software products under development. These make significant contribution towards improving app performance by testing the programs in real-world environment.


Everything that people create necessarily contains errors. Testing done on a certain software app cannot guarantee that this product is free from faults. A programmer cannot think about everything – especially about all possible interactions between different characteristics and between different parts of the program. We are trying to hack the program, because only this way will ensure that the product is ready for use.


Another task of testing is the accumulation of information for management. If you have the necessary information and a sufficient number of tests, we can confidently state that the program is ready for use. In the end, this is exactly what the testers are paid for – assistance in creating a useful program.


The highest goal of testing is quality assurance: the accumulation of information that, when returned to the programmer, will help to avoid past mistakes and improve the quality of software in the future.

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About the author


TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.

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