By Testing Types

What Does Penetration Test Service Entail?

What Does Penetration Test Service Entail?
What Does Penetration Test Service Entail?

Software testing services have gained enormous popularity from pole to pole. This is due to the non-stop growth of IT industry which offers a huge variety of digital products. That is why every second manufacturing company tends to thoroughly test its production before distributing it to the target audience.

Penetration test service is very important and essential for normal functioning of software programs. It helps to check if a system is susceptible to hacker’s attack and take effective preventive measures. A pen test is designed to seek out vulnerabilities in software applications. It is an external simulated event, so-called “ethical hack” in which a tester tries to break into the network so that to evaluate whether it is able or not to withstand this attack. By doing so, this manner, the specialist manages to reveal how an attacker can breach a system. It is noteworthy, that this experiment enables the tester to acquire real experience how to deal with the intrusion.

There is a tendency to protect the enterprise network / the technical systems, therefore, these are exhaustively tested, but, depending on original problems it may be necessary to assess other security issues, for example, level or security awareness the user has.

Performing security assessment, pen testing company uses advanced pen-testing tools and techniques to automate certain tasks, increase testing effectiveness, investigate issues that might be difficult to discover using manual test techniques alone and get more accurate test results.  A pen test is an individual security evaluation which allows getting an expert feedback on different, mostly selected, IT systems. It aims to protect authenticity, integration, and confidentiality of information.  

As a rule, the company submits a detailed report on security level on the system and provides guidelines on how to resolve security breaches of network and prevent future attacks.

A penetration test can protect your organization from financial and reputation damages since even a simple, seemingly insignificant breach of the security system can cause substantial losses, for examples, such as a loss of millions of dollars and brand unpopularity.

Companies which use pen testing during SDLC succeed in keeping their main activities updated and conforming to the auditing system and, as a result, they always avoid giving fines! If a pen test terminates effectively it means that the attempts to intrude integrated network (IN) and identify security vulnerabilities appear to have been successful.

Penetration testing as a service is a combination of various techniques performed to increase the security of personal infrastructure / organization.

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About the author


TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.

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