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Most Widely Used Analysis Models

Most Widely Used Analysis Models
Most Widely Used Analysis Models

The analysis includes the activities in the software development process, which aim to pinpoint the problem to be solved and to determine the requirements that provide solution to this problem. During our development process, two levels of analysis are performed: domain and application:


Domain analysis involves studying a specific class of problems, i.e. a general area of interest (or the problem domain), in which the issue of instant interest lies. As far as the game “Brickles” is concerned, domain analysis would focus ​​on arcade games domain which comprise games containing similar components, such as Asteroids or PacMAn, or that of ​​computer games, which include card or board games, similar to Solitaire or Monopoly. The analysis deals primarily with abstract concepts. In the domain of arcade games, such abstractions are players, sprites. playing fields.


Domain analysis is especially useful in cases where similar problems in the same domain will have to be solved in the future, or when the basic requirements are not clearly formulated. The results of the domain analysis serve as a starting point for the analysis of each particular application.


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Application analysis focuses on the specific task and requirements for its solution. With regard to the game “Brickles“, the analysis focuses on the game itself. The application analysis deals primarily with specific concepts. In the game “Brickles“, such are paddle, pucks, and bricks.


Common features that are specific to a particular class can be highlighted by using interfaces or abstract classes, such as Brickles. These commonalities can be represented during domain analysis as abstractions or be derived from properties of two or more specific classes identified in the application analysis phase.


In testing software representations built during the analysis, there is no need to distinguish between the results of domain analysis and application analysis. This difference will manifest itself in the size of the domain covered by the model (domain models are very extensive) and in the degree of completeness of the test procedure (domain analysis models contain fewer details).

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TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

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