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Command Line Interface Testing

Command Line Interface Testing
Command Line Interface Testing

Entering command names is more difficult than selecting them from the menu. However, with a large number of commands and options, experienced users may prefer a command-line interface. The menu-oriented interface is too cumbersome to solve some tasks. In this case, it is important that the set of commands be designed so that their names are easily remembered and the probability of the occurrence of errors has been minimized.


Case Sensitivity


If commands are recognized by a case-sensitive program (the one that considers uppercase and lowercase to be different characters), as a rule, it leads to errors.


Permutation of parameters


The most common example is the order in which the data are sent or received. For example, the command COPY FILE1 FILE2 can mean copying the file FILE1 to FILE2, or maybe vice versa. By itself, the order of the parameters does not matter (people easily remember any option), but for all commands it should be the same. In addition, applications must follow the rules set in the operating system.


Full command names are not recognized


The abbreviations themselves are a good thing, but the user should always be able to enter the full name of the command, for example, delete, rather than del. Full names are remembered better than abbreviations, especially if there is no single rule for the formation of abbreviations.


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Abbreviations not allowed


The user should be able to enter, for example, del instead of delete. Although such an option is not available in all systems, no doubt, it is very convenient.


A complex command in one line


Some programs require the input of extremely complex commands. (In all cases, when A, B and C are true, and D is false, is X true?) A user who has to enter complex logical operators in one command makes many mistakes. For such cases, the input forms, sequential queries and queries on the sample are much better suited.


Lack of batch input


The user should be able to prepare a list of commands in a text editor, and then offer the program to execute it, as if all these commands were sequentially entered from the keyboard.


Lack of editing commands


The user should be able to edit what he types, at least with the <Back Space> key. If the user tried to execute the wrong command, the program must report this, and then allow the user to edit the entered string, and try again.

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TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

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