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How to Write a Good Bug Report

How to Write a Good Bug Report
How to Write a Good Bug Report

If you are curious to know how to create a bug report, why bug reporting is now more important than ever before, where to write a bug report then there are the answers.


For instance, you are testing your project and the test is unsuccessful. Congratulations, you have found a bug! Now you need to report it and write a bug report. If your bug report is good, it will help the developers to fix a reported bug and build a more reliable software product.


How a good bug report can help your developers:


  • informs them about the problems that they are unaware of;
  • aids in determining new functionality they probably have not thought of;
  • enables them to understand how their clients exploit the software for them to make it better.


If you have written a good bug report then it is more likely that a bug will be fixed. Therefore the process of bug fixing directly depends on how you report a bug.  

What is a good bug report

Anyone can write a bug report. But hardly anyone can make it meaningful and descriptive. You must distinguish between good and bad bug reports.  

Useful reports are those that lead to fixing this bug. A good bug report must be:

Reproducible – if the bug is unreproducible then it will not be fixed. The sooner the developer can reproduce the bug the faster it will be fixed.

Otherwise, it is most likely that the developer will commit to the next bug report. Your bug report should clearly describe all the reproduction steps without missing anything.

Your development process should be carefully monitored to ensure quality of software products being created. Exhaustive testing is crucial for their success. Testmatick group provides world-class testing software services to check IT products under development for visual and functional defects.


Detailed and informative – do not write a long essay about the bug. Try to be specific and extremely informative. Do your best to describe the bug using as few words as possible. And in any case, do not mix several bugs even if these seem to be identical. Write a single report for each bug.


Thus, the aims of a bug report are as follows:


explain the bug to the developer and show him where it is located;

help the developer to fix it as fast as possible.


What bug report includes:


Title: it briefly describes the bug. The good title should include the name of the product and an error message or steps you were taking when a problem occurred.


For example:


  • You mustn’t do: “crash”, “found an error”, “bug”.
  • You must do: Error 5C79 when receiving a request.
  • Product: specify the product’s name and its version.
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TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

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