Junior Developer – is a young specialist with a little or even without any working experience, who just started his/her way in IT testing services. In most cases, they study by means of video tutorials or courses and constantly because experience from him so little that he spends a lot of time on tips from more experienced developers and an understanding of how the team is working on the project. Having accumulated enough experience and implementing several projects, Junior levels up to Middle Level – becoming a full-fledged developer.
But still, Junior developers are in constant, continuous and independent educational process. Training for Junior Developer is everything. He or she is in a constant need to accomplish the tasks assigned to the projects. A perfect training scheme for junior is video programming tutorials. Based on watched video tutorials on programming, online consultations and pieces of advice from more experienced specialists – Junior develops and grows and in 1 – 1.5 years he can obtain the desired position in independent software testing companies.
Essential Knowledge for Junior Developer Position:
- The programming basics (cost system, the difference between operator and operation, the understanding of algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming methodologies).
- Languages: C#, C++, Java, PHP, JavaScript (syntax, OOP possibilities, multithreading, standard libraries, designing patterns).
- OOP & OOD (paradigms).
- Ability to follow video course materials and programming video tutorials without resorting to additional clarifications. This skill helps Junior developers get as tall to the Middle.
- Work with databases (JDBC, SQL language, MSQL, SQL lite, etc).
- Basic knowledge of some specific framework.
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