The very first task when designing a test is to strictly formulate its purposes. Suppose you are developing tests for the TMT (tailor-made training) application. One of the technical requirements of this application is as follows:
2.2.1. The application must provide the means to create, modify, view, store and retrieve documents relevant to a test plan.
Technical requirement 2.2.1 applies to a wide range of functional properties, but all of them relate to management of documentation containing a test plan. One way to combine tests related to this requirement is to create a set called “Test_Plans” and collect all the tests intended to test requirement 2.2.1. For example, for the tests included in this set, you can set the following goals:
- Verify that the program provides a qualified user with the means to create all valid document types that are relevant to a test plan.
- Verify that a qualified user can save and retrieve any completed test plan.
- Verify that the program provides a qualified user with the means to modify all documents containing a test plan that have been compiled and stored in memory. Be wise to use pen testing service in order to remove security vulnerabilities that may cause your IT system to crash.
- Verify that a qualified user can locate and review any document containing a test plan that has been compiled and stored in memory.
Each goal of a test determines what the test will do, but by no means how it will do it. How – this is a matter of detailed testing methodology, which is developed as part of the appropriate testing case. The purpose of the test is to clarify the test plan, in other words, the test should be aimed at testing the technical requirement 2.2.1. Another difference between the test project and the test case is that test projects are usually created using the technical requirements specification. Test cases that require more detailed acquaintance with the software product, require at least, a functional specification or, possibly, additional information from the project documentation for the software product.
Pay attention to the fact that examples of testing purposes require some explanatory information when the following definition of “layer of a bulb” is given. The goal number 1 of the test, for example, is not to define a “qualified user” – i.e. the refinement, which depends on how the access control of the program is designed. Tests should be built to verify that qualified users can access the data, and at the same time, unqualified users cannot.
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