By Testing Types

Pentesting as a Popular IT Testing Service Worldwide

Pentesting as a Popular IT Testing Service Worldwide
Pentesting as a Popular IT Testing Service Worldwide

Pentesting services are widely held in the field of information security all over the world. The essence of such works is about an authorized attempt to bypass the protection of information system. During pentesting, the auditor plays a role of an attacker who is motivated to violate the customer’s information security.

As a rule, an intensive verification subjected to technical means of the corporate network protection, but depending on conditions can be evaluated and other security aspects, such as the awareness of users.

The process of penetration test services involves modelling the real action of the attacker – to search for system vulnerabilities and their subsequent operation. This testing type allows getting an independent assessment and expert opinion on the state of confidential information protection.

Pen testing service will help you avoid incidents that could undermine the reputation of your organization and bring considerable losses.

In the course of penetration testing, tester attempts to exploit vulnerabilities implemented IP (in other words, attempts to infiltrate the IP). This allows reasonably allocating  financial and material resources, to ensure the security of IP exactly on those sites where it is most needed.

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TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.

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