Functional Testing

Pentesting Company: The Importance of Security Vulnerability Analysis

There are a black box penetration testing (an imitation of hacker attack) and white box penetration testing (analysis of the source code)

A pen test, penetration testing, the more general security testing is a popular information technology service. The goal of this process is to safely attempt to intervene into a protected network by employing any tools or means necessary. In pen testing, the auditor plays the key role acting like the attacker and trying to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. According to the scenario, a malicious person is motivated to break into customer’s information system and obtain sensitive data.

As a rule, a pen testing company subjects corporate network security to thorough testing but depending on the original problems, pen testing can be done to verify other information security aspects, for example, customer awareness level.  

Pen tests involve simulating an attacker’s behavior to uncover cyber attack scenarios. They are run to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in Internet security mechanisms. Vulnerabilities may be present in app flaws, operating systems, incorrect configurations, service or hazardous end user behavior.

Pen testing allows you to get and unbiased yet independent assessment of existing security controls’ effectiveness and adherence of the customer to security policies. It is used to discover what an intruder may be able to achieve when intending to access operations / resources of your computer systems.  

Pen testing can be a really excellent way to avoid costly problems that may lead to reputation damage on your business and you may suffer serious financial losses.

Penetration testing is conducted using manual and automated technologies so that to regularly compromise endpoints, server, wireless networks,web apps, mobile phones and so on.

If a pen test appears to be successful, namely security vulnerabilities have been effectively exploited on a certain system it is possible for testers to try to use this compromised system to start the next exploits at some other internal resources.

Professionals of a pentest company provide a wide range of security analysis services to protect digital assets of your organization.

As a famous proverb says: “God helps those who help themselves”. What is meant by this? It implies that the earlier you scan your application (s) for security vulnerabilities, the less risks you will run to have network security problems.   

You had better consult a security testing company once you are not sure of 100% protection of your network-accessible services.

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About the author


TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.

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