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Selenium Testing Services: How to Perform Testing on Sauce Lab Cloud Platform

Selenium testing is the process carried out with the help of open source testing tools like Selenium. It makes browsers automated. Using Selenium, it becomes simple to test software applications.

Maintenance of own selenium testing infrastructure could be time-consuming and expensive. Executing tests in the cloud you will save yourself a lot of trouble, namely reduce testing costs and get accurate results. Selenium testing services gain more and more popularity since they allow you to test your mobile/web apps across more than 500 real browser/ OS/desktop platforms. Besides, there is the possibility to control a suite of Selenium automation tools by modern testing frameworks and programming languages.

The services are used by worldwide organizations and corporations for creating robust web browser automation.

It is a broad spectrum of Selenium automated testing services among which are Selenium automated functional testing, Selenium browser compatibility testing, Selenium automated regression testing, etc.

When you face the task to perform cross-browser testing, that aims to test your web application in different browsers, then to solve it you may set up your own Selenium Grid after preparing a required number of machines (computers) with operating systems and browser versions preinstalled on them.

Cross browser testing services are available for you to make sure that your web app works correctly across multiple web browsers.

Also, you can use cloud services. Of, course, they are not free, some payment is required to use them, but this choice will deliver you from the necessity of installing and maintaining a high number of different operating systems and browsers.

Amongst these, Sauce Labs is an unquestionable leader today. Sauce Labs allows you to run parallel tests over 90 combinations of OS and browser versions. To run testing on Sauce it is enough to redefine initialization of web driver without making any changes in the tests.

Sauce Labs platform lets you run your tests with the flexibility to scale.

To Configure Startup Options, RemoteWebDriver и DesiredCapabilities are Used:

After completion of your tests, Sauce Labs provides you with a detailed report of the run including step-type screenshots and video recording the entire testing process, a complete list of commands and responses.

However, selenium testing service suggests some delays while starting up and executing tests. But it can be considered as a small fee for the opportunity to perform cross browser testing.

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About the author


TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.


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