QA Outsourcing

Outsourced Testing As an Approach of Labor Division

Outsourced Testing As an Approach of Labor Division
Outsourced Testing As an Approach of Labor Division

Outsourced testing – is one of the modern approaches of labor division. Independent software testing companies use outsourcing testing services when they face a need to perform a certain amount of works that are minor or secondary to the given company. In IT-testing services, outsourcing became a very common phenomenon. In outsourcing, companies give the development of information strategies, system implementation, the creation and maintenance of the network and IT infrastructures, etc. In the given article, we will discuss the peculiarities of full-cycle application development, its benefits, and drawbacks.

Full-Cycle Application Development Outsourcing

A company, which possess a goal of automation and information support of the business process, can discover that some automation needs can’t be met because of the available software business apps on the market. As you know, there are no standard solutions for all vertical markets and subject areas. In this case, such a company orders the design, implementation and technical support of non-standard product of another company that specializes in developing applications of appropriate subjects.

A similar project tends to be more expensive in the implementation of a ready business app. But in the absence of such alternative, software market decisions about outsourcing application development can only be even more costly in the implementation of the decision of creating your application development division, or assigning such a function on your IT-department.

In 90’s, the majority of companies faced a lot of problems and difficulties because of such management decisions. The absence of project documentation, the impossibility of app updating when changing business processes were erected due to the lack of correctly established processes of development and application lifecycle management.

Nowadays the situation changed because these companies recognized the inappropriateness of having their developers – are customers of companies specializing in software development.

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TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.

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