By Testing Types Performance Testing Tools Reviews

Why Do Performance Testing Companies Tend to Calibrate Performance Test Tools?

Why Do Performance Testing Companies Tend to Calibrate Performance Test Tools?
Why Do Performance Testing Companies Tend to Calibrate Performance Test Tools?

Did ever you hear someone say that performance test tools need to be calibrated? You knew the truth at that time as this person did not lie. By any reckoning, we need to admit that this tooling requires calibration.

Unlikely, performance test tools are unable to simulate the very same behavior of a real user which he /she demonstrates while accessing an app. To have accurate and precise results you should calibrate the tools first.

To be concrete, most performance testing companies proceed to performance testing improperly. For example, in some organizations, the staff may be lacking processes, deliverables and also reporting, but in others, they may be lacking even performance requirements.

However, the most important thing, which has to do with the abovesaid, is that not everyone is aware of the phenomenon consisting of calibrating performance tools!!

In other words, some organizations totally rely on the behavior and output of the tools. You should know that without tool calibration it does not make sense to adapt deliverables, processes, reporting or anything else in performance testing. It is really truthful statement even if it leaves a bitter taste in our mouths.

Based on this evidence it is doubtful whether real results can be reflected through performance testing.

At Romania Testing Community Conference 2013, a competent Dutch citizen, Roland Van Leusden held fascinating session during which he gave people a detailed explanation of the fact.

He said the following: “When we purchase a ruler we hope that it will be correct under expected tolerance. Purchasing a more costly ruler we get also calibration certificate as an attachment and it states which conditions are required for the ruler to be exactly 1 meter long.  As far as performance test tools are concerned, such certification and calibration are not common to them. All you have to do is to believe that while you have 50 users, these will behave and generate a load equivalent to 50 real users.”

Do you want performance testing services to be provided by highly qualified specialists? Does quality matter much to you? If so, there is a possibility for you to hire experienced experts immediately so that to ensure an exceptional performance of the web, desktop or mobile apps!

After the investigation, the scientist and researcher came to the conclusion that the situation was reversed if employing the tooling with its default settings. Accordingly, you should analyze the user’s behavior, namely what he/she is doing at network, server and client level with your software.

You are welcome to use software performance testing services from genuine professionals! You deserve to be served by skilled and handy persons!

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About the author


TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.

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