SEO Testing Tips & Tricks

SEO Testing Services: 10 Tips to make Your Content Interesting, Qualitative & Popular

SEO Testing Services: 10 Tips on How to Make Your Content Interesting, Qualitative & Popular
SEO Testing Services: 10 Tips on How to Make Your Content Interesting, Qualitative & Popular

Every website owner seeks to fill his/her website to be qualitative, interesting and popular. To accomplish this, he/she contacts experts in website testing services and SEO testing services, tries to fill the website with a proper content. Good content plays a great role in a website popularity. In this article, we highlighted 10 distinctive content features that search engines will value as “high-quality”.

#1. Help Your Target Audience to Solve a Specific Task.

Creation of a qualitative content that is oriented on specific keywords and user intentions, but not just the list of arbitrary keywords. The understanding of user intentions and the ability to analyze will help in creating an effective content.

#2. Create the Inspirational, Educative or Entertaining Content

The combination of these two/three features – is the key to success among readers. Also worth knowing that titles and subheadings of your article correspond to its content.

#3. Ask Yourself: Do I Want to Share This Material?

You always want to share some interesting and good content. Answer honestly: Are you personally interested in your article? Will this material be interesting for your surroundings, friends, acquaintances in social networks?

#4. Post Only Relevant Information

Seems that everyone knows about it, but it’s worth highlighting that one should post only relevant information that touches your field of activity and website subject. Don’t sacrifice relevance for the entertainment of the website visitors.

#5. Consider the Length of Text

There is no established forms, so it’s better to experiment and post texts with varying lengths, and conduct the survey among website visitors. According to Searchmetrics’ 2014, the perfect size of text is of 1000 words.

#6. Copyread!

Doesn’t matter for how long you are writing, from time to time even the most experienced writer makes mistakes. Check your creation twice, spelling and punctuation. Nothing undermines your reputation as a simple mistake that you were just lazy to fix.

#7. Don’t Overload the Text with High-Frequency Keywords

Texts overloaded with keywords never appreciated, and “Panda” (Google algorithm) especially doesn’t value this method. It’s better to replace keywords with synonyms, add thematic images with a relevant description, for search engines to see that you care about users.

#8. Be Consistent!

Make sure that every website page is filled with information on a specific topic. Visitor should see only potentially interesting information. Don’t turn each article in commercial one filled with offers of your product or service.

#9. Create Logical Links

Attach links only to that word combination, where it is appropriate. It is advisable not to attach a link to keywords, as well as to the words “here” and “click here”.

#10. Make Your Text Visually Attractive

A good text, to be easily understood, should be divided into parts. Don’t make long paragraphs, use headings, indentation with quotations, bulleted lists, etc.

Also, in order to add expressiveness to your material and cause visual interest of your readers, use images and videos in reasonable quantities. Just make sure that page design corresponds your SEO strategy.

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TestMatick is a leading provider of QA services.

Offering more than 20 types of QA services, we can cover absolutely every need in testing.

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